Hey Internet,
So I had some assignment edited by someone in my class and I read it around 5 minutes ago and boy it was some terrible editing that person did.
First off, he was able to track changes, but he was unable to make comments, so he put a little insertion at the end of the paragraph that needed a bit of changing. He did very little editing (of course) and he added or removed some words that should be there.
His editing didn't make any sense to me.
Well, I edited his assignment and I tried my best. I omitted any unnecessary words and made decent comments. He would insert a word in the middle of the sentence where it only stated one person and the word "he" and he would put "WHO?", all in capital letters. Also, he barely made any changes. With me, at least one change per paragraph, and that's still bad for me.
Well, when I sent him his copy that I edited, I added a little note saying not to edit my work until he learns to edit work (it was a polite note).
Well, that's the end of my story, what's yours? Have you had a bad editor? Are you one of them who can't edit for beans? Post your comments below.
Thanks for reading,
March 29, 2010
March 28, 2010
The Phat Panda Show - Episode 2
Hello Internet,
After around 2 months, the second installment of the Phat Panda show is out. Go check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_aPf0kN_2Q.
Well, there's not much else to say.
Thanks for reading,
After around 2 months, the second installment of the Phat Panda show is out. Go check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_aPf0kN_2Q.
Well, there's not much else to say.
Thanks for reading,
March 27, 2010
How Come...
Hello people of the world that is called the Internet,
If you are reading my blog, I thank you (like I do at the end of each post) and I ask that you comment, however, I only find about 1 comment every now and then and that's from a friend (seriously, go check out his blog at tmlsblog.blogspot.com).
So, today's question would be why doesn't anyone post comments? I feel like nobody is actually reading my posts, but just visiting it for fun.
I think that either people aren't actually reading my blog, they don't have an account at Blogspot or they are too shy to comment.
Thanks for reading,
March 24, 2010
Hey Internet,
Remember back in February the 19th, I said I'd tell you what I was doing? Well, I went to an outdoor education center called Mono Cliffs and here's what we did there.
Well, on the first day, we arrived at school like usual, except when we were supposed to go to home form, we stayed in the cafeteria until the buses came. I sat beside my friend and we talked. The bus ride was about 1 1/2 hours long. When we got to Mono Cliffs, we first went in to the meeting center. I'll assume that's what is was called. They went over the basic things about staying at Mono Cliffs.
By the way, it was snowing a lot outside.
After that, we had lunch, which we had to bring (I will not name all of the dishes we had). After that, we went to where our dorms were located. In there, we made our way in to the common room where we got our room numbers. I was unfortunately stuck with two other people that I didn't want to be with.
I only knew that the trip was going downhill from then. It did at some points.
We unpacked and went to the meeting room to get assigned our groups. I was in the Fire group. Our first activity, which I think was cross country-skiing. We tested it out and it was tiring. The hills were like Mount Everest on cross-country skis as I wasn't used to them.
After that, I believe we had a little break before dinner. Our first dinner was chicken fingers and something else.
After dinner, we got our night program group. I believe I was in the Comet group (yes, very inconvenient). The activity was just a bunch of boring outdoor activities, but we had a fire going and roasted marshmallows.
So, the first two activities were not fun. However, we got an hour to just play around with some games of cards of anything. Before long, it was lights out.
The second day started at 4 a.m. for me. I got a nosebleed and had to clean it up. I did go to sleep again, but it was only three hours before we had to get up.
We got our stuff on and left for breakfast. That day I think we had omelet. Maybe it was the next day, but the omelet was terrible. After breakfast, we went out in to the forest to learn some wilderness survival tips. We learned how to build a shelter out of snow and 9 people were able to fit inside.
Well, after that, we went to eat lunch. At lunch, I remember having this soup with beans in it. Well, after lunch, we went on a larger cross-country ski course. It was 2 1/2 hours of skiing. Well, besides my feet killing me, the constant waiting for idiots to hurry up, being out of breath all the time, and the beans reacting to my stomach making it ache all the time, it was not all that good. We had to go around twice and it definitely was not worth the experience.
After that wretched experience, we had a little time to play frisbee and go back for other things before dinner. I obviously went to the washroom passing a lot of gas. After, my stomach felt much better.
I went to play frisbee with the others, which was pretty tiring (fortunately, I made the good decision of going to the washroom before frisbee).
Dinner was a great improvement from the soup of lunch. I don't quite recall what we had.
Well, after dinner, we went to the area we were supposed to go for our evening program. It was a night hike. We went out into the forest. It was pitch black. We played that one game. Remember that one where someone would shout that word in Wildfire and we had to hide, the closest who didn't get caught won.
Anyways, it was interesting. We had some candy, where if you were to bite really hard, it would spark.
Again, after the evening program, time to wash up and play. The only thing was that I think that there was this one guy in the shower that actually opened the curtains to the shower when someone was changing. Then we played.
Well, I woke up at an early hour again. I think that I actually stayed up from around 5-7 a.m.
Well, we had breakfast like usual. Then we went on and about on a pioneer hike where we looked at some rocks piled to make the cellars. Not much interesting to be honest.
After lunch, we went on this nature hike where we went to some barn where they keep a few animals. After that we had a break. Then dinner.
After dinner we went to the meeting room where the night program was really just trying to make a skit (4 scenes) in about 15 minutes. It was really hard and my group didn't do so well as we had no time to think of anything original. We had to make the skits on how we can conserve on one of the 4 topics, which I think are: saving energy, not wasting food, not wasting water and creating less waste. We were stuck with saving energy, which was pretty easy.
Same thing for the night.
Again, woke up the in middle of the night.
We woke up for the final day. We had breakfast and we went on to do our last activity.
We went on an ecology hike. We saw the (forgot the name) where there were many rocks and plants that took hundreds of years to grow as there were very little sunlight going down there. I was really interesting. We also saw a live porcupine that was sleeping. A very rare sight.
Well, after that, we had pizza for lunch and then we left for home.
Well, there you go.
Thanks for reading,
Remember back in February the 19th, I said I'd tell you what I was doing? Well, I went to an outdoor education center called Mono Cliffs and here's what we did there.
Well, on the first day, we arrived at school like usual, except when we were supposed to go to home form, we stayed in the cafeteria until the buses came. I sat beside my friend and we talked. The bus ride was about 1 1/2 hours long. When we got to Mono Cliffs, we first went in to the meeting center. I'll assume that's what is was called. They went over the basic things about staying at Mono Cliffs.
By the way, it was snowing a lot outside.
After that, we had lunch, which we had to bring (I will not name all of the dishes we had). After that, we went to where our dorms were located. In there, we made our way in to the common room where we got our room numbers. I was unfortunately stuck with two other people that I didn't want to be with.
I only knew that the trip was going downhill from then. It did at some points.
We unpacked and went to the meeting room to get assigned our groups. I was in the Fire group. Our first activity, which I think was cross country-skiing. We tested it out and it was tiring. The hills were like Mount Everest on cross-country skis as I wasn't used to them.
After that, I believe we had a little break before dinner. Our first dinner was chicken fingers and something else.
After dinner, we got our night program group. I believe I was in the Comet group (yes, very inconvenient). The activity was just a bunch of boring outdoor activities, but we had a fire going and roasted marshmallows.
So, the first two activities were not fun. However, we got an hour to just play around with some games of cards of anything. Before long, it was lights out.
The second day started at 4 a.m. for me. I got a nosebleed and had to clean it up. I did go to sleep again, but it was only three hours before we had to get up.
We got our stuff on and left for breakfast. That day I think we had omelet. Maybe it was the next day, but the omelet was terrible. After breakfast, we went out in to the forest to learn some wilderness survival tips. We learned how to build a shelter out of snow and 9 people were able to fit inside.
Well, after that, we went to eat lunch. At lunch, I remember having this soup with beans in it. Well, after lunch, we went on a larger cross-country ski course. It was 2 1/2 hours of skiing. Well, besides my feet killing me, the constant waiting for idiots to hurry up, being out of breath all the time, and the beans reacting to my stomach making it ache all the time, it was not all that good. We had to go around twice and it definitely was not worth the experience.
After that wretched experience, we had a little time to play frisbee and go back for other things before dinner. I obviously went to the washroom passing a lot of gas. After, my stomach felt much better.
I went to play frisbee with the others, which was pretty tiring (fortunately, I made the good decision of going to the washroom before frisbee).
Dinner was a great improvement from the soup of lunch. I don't quite recall what we had.
Well, after dinner, we went to the area we were supposed to go for our evening program. It was a night hike. We went out into the forest. It was pitch black. We played that one game. Remember that one where someone would shout that word in Wildfire and we had to hide, the closest who didn't get caught won.
Anyways, it was interesting. We had some candy, where if you were to bite really hard, it would spark.
Again, after the evening program, time to wash up and play. The only thing was that I think that there was this one guy in the shower that actually opened the curtains to the shower when someone was changing. Then we played.
Well, I woke up at an early hour again. I think that I actually stayed up from around 5-7 a.m.
Well, we had breakfast like usual. Then we went on and about on a pioneer hike where we looked at some rocks piled to make the cellars. Not much interesting to be honest.
After lunch, we went on this nature hike where we went to some barn where they keep a few animals. After that we had a break. Then dinner.
After dinner we went to the meeting room where the night program was really just trying to make a skit (4 scenes) in about 15 minutes. It was really hard and my group didn't do so well as we had no time to think of anything original. We had to make the skits on how we can conserve on one of the 4 topics, which I think are: saving energy, not wasting food, not wasting water and creating less waste. We were stuck with saving energy, which was pretty easy.
Same thing for the night.
Again, woke up the in middle of the night.
We woke up for the final day. We had breakfast and we went on to do our last activity.
We went on an ecology hike. We saw the (forgot the name) where there were many rocks and plants that took hundreds of years to grow as there were very little sunlight going down there. I was really interesting. We also saw a live porcupine that was sleeping. A very rare sight.
Well, after that, we had pizza for lunch and then we left for home.
Well, there you go.
Thanks for reading,
Green Zone

Hello Interwebs,
So last Tuesday or so, I went to see Green Zone, so I'm going to review it without telling too much about the story.
Green Zone. I enjoyed the action to an extent where it made James Bond look like the Phantom of the Opera. Yes, I was into it every moment from the beginning where there was a lot of commotion (in the movie) to the very end.
Now, the thing about Green Zone that is not very good, would be the story. The story is about the Iraq war. All the way through, I felt that this is related to the Hurt Locker in some way, which is a good thing, but remember, it isn't. Well, the story from the beginning to the near end, was extremely confusing. The writers must have forgotten to wrap any loose ends until the end. Fortunately, there were no more loose ends, at least not for me.
Well, that's all I have to say about Green Zone without any spoilers.
Post your opinion about this movie. Did you watch it? Do you think it was good? If you didn't watch it, do you think it would be a good movie?
Thanks for reading,
March 17, 2010
Why does it feel like...
Hello Internet,
So today is a Wednesday and for me, it is March Break. In case you don't know, March break is a week off from school. Simple as that. A whole week. That's 120 hours, plus the 96 hours for the weekends.
That's a lot of time you could spend. However, when you spend it doing thing like posting on a blog or playing video games of watching movies (watched Green Zone, will post about it later), time really flies. Really.
Well, about half the break is over, but I feel like today is a Saturday and must do many thing before I have to go to school again. I wish that school lasted 7 months and the break lasted 5.
I'm not saying we should have 5 consecutive months off, maybe split the 5 months and spread the 5 months within the school year.
Well, that's what I think. Post your opinion on breaks, and school breaks.
That's all.
Thanks for reading,
So today is a Wednesday and for me, it is March Break. In case you don't know, March break is a week off from school. Simple as that. A whole week. That's 120 hours, plus the 96 hours for the weekends.
That's a lot of time you could spend. However, when you spend it doing thing like posting on a blog or playing video games of watching movies (watched Green Zone, will post about it later), time really flies. Really.
Well, about half the break is over, but I feel like today is a Saturday and must do many thing before I have to go to school again. I wish that school lasted 7 months and the break lasted 5.
I'm not saying we should have 5 consecutive months off, maybe split the 5 months and spread the 5 months within the school year.
Well, that's what I think. Post your opinion on breaks, and school breaks.
That's all.
Thanks for reading,
March 13, 2010
Hello Peeps of the Internet,
So I was going to post something else about this blog, so I went to Google images to search for a picture. I noticed a game that sounded quite interested, so I checked it out. I then noticed I've been playing for a solid 10 minutes.
So, after playing it, I lost all my motive to write about what I was originally going to write about, so, here you go, another post.
Thanks for reading,
So I was going to post something else about this blog, so I went to Google images to search for a picture. I noticed a game that sounded quite interested, so I checked it out. I then noticed I've been playing for a solid 10 minutes.
So, after playing it, I lost all my motive to write about what I was originally going to write about, so, here you go, another post.
Thanks for reading,
March 09, 2010
Yay, I won!
Hello Interwebs,
So after school, a classmate came over to my house so we could work on the project. When we decided to call it a day, I walked with him to the bus stop to ensure he didn't get lost.
When I got there, I went to the Tim Hortons close by there. In case you don't know what Tim Hortons is, it is a store that sells coffee and other hot beverages and food.
Well, at the moment, they're having a contest. I heard you have a larger chance of winning if you got large, so I did. I paid my $1.86 and I started drinking. When I finished, I looked and it said that I won! Well, the prize was only a donut, but it was still a plus.
I was so happy, I jumped for joy, but when I did, my wallet fell out. Fortunately, a neighbor of mine found it and returned it to me with everything in it.
Well, that's just my story. Why not share your story? Go ahead and comment about your contest winning stories, if you have any.
Thanks for reading,
March 07, 2010
What in the World?
Hello Internet people,
So, I would post something interesting, however, TML's blog (http://tmlsblog.blogspot.com/) got me to forget my topic. I apologize.
Due to my memory loss, I will open the comments to any suggestions that you may want me to write about. Just remember it has to be appropriate.
Well, for now, I'm just going to continue talking about swimming pools.
So the place I swim used to just have "Slow", "Medium", and "Fast" lanes. Now they made it "Medium, Slow", "Medium, Fast" which sucks on my end and I'll tell you why.
I swim slowly when I swim constantly, which I don't. I swim fast when I swim once, then rest. I swim in between fast and medium at my regular pace. The "Medium, Slow" lane is filled with people who swim as fast as turtles on land. The "Medium, Fast" lane is filled with people who swim as fast as turtles in water. There's no "Medium Fast" where I belong, so I'm stuck with either swimming behind some slowpoke, or getting pushed back by the second Michael Phelps.
The only other thing I don't like would be the water. The temperature has probably been lowered by 10 degrees. It only feels right after 5-10 minutes in the pool.
That's all my complaints about that particular swimming pool. So, tell me about your experiences with swimming pools.
Thanks for reading,
So, I would post something interesting, however, TML's blog (http://tmlsblog.blogspot.com/) got me to forget my topic. I apologize.
Due to my memory loss, I will open the comments to any suggestions that you may want me to write about. Just remember it has to be appropriate.
Well, for now, I'm just going to continue talking about swimming pools.
So the place I swim used to just have "Slow", "Medium", and "Fast" lanes. Now they made it "Medium, Slow", "Medium, Fast" which sucks on my end and I'll tell you why.
I swim slowly when I swim constantly, which I don't. I swim fast when I swim once, then rest. I swim in between fast and medium at my regular pace. The "Medium, Slow" lane is filled with people who swim as fast as turtles on land. The "Medium, Fast" lane is filled with people who swim as fast as turtles in water. There's no "Medium Fast" where I belong, so I'm stuck with either swimming behind some slowpoke, or getting pushed back by the second Michael Phelps.
The only other thing I don't like would be the water. The temperature has probably been lowered by 10 degrees. It only feels right after 5-10 minutes in the pool.
That's all my complaints about that particular swimming pool. So, tell me about your experiences with swimming pools.
Thanks for reading,
March 02, 2010
Why are people so curious?
Hey Internet people,
After school, we were supposed to be working on a project, but the teacher wasn't there.
These two other people, one in our group, the other not, are talking about who the person in our group likes. He kept on asking who it was and I just backed off because I didn't want to get involved with any blackmailing.
Plus it is his life and he has the right to keep shut (at least in my country).
So my questions for today is: why are people so curious about who one likes? Have you ever been asked that question?
I believe that people want to know so they can go around telling everyone about it and blackmailing the someone to do something or else they'll tell the person they like.
I have been asked that question once. I answered truthfully and I actually was able to get over that person (the person was quite playful and too many people already like her).
Well, that's all I assume.
Thanks for reading,
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