December 11, 2009


Hey people on the computer,

This is just a shout out. I have a friend who has just recently created a blog. Please visit his blog at

Anyways, to any of you still reading, today I bought 11 cans of soup of soup to donate. The person at the cashier asked "Hey kid, why are you buying so many cans?"

I replied: "Because I'm hibernating, so I have to prepare for the winter."

The cashier guy was like: "Really?"

I said "Yes, I'm going to be staying in my house sleeping until it is nice and warm."

I then quickly paid and got out, giggling on the way out.

So, that's the end of my shenanigans, now let me hear yours. What have you guys messed around with? What did you do? Comment and share about what you have to say.

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

  1. lol thats funny - ty for shoutout
    i was at a "music concert" at the scarborough civic centre. i went with my dad and the music was UNBEARABLE. i left for a little while and came back when it was supposed to end. when the guy was walking off, some dude yelled out ENCORE and he sang another song and i just got pissed off and left. i wanted to go to encore guy and call him an a$$h013 and give him the finger and leave but i didnt then i chatted with a security guard and left the end
