Hello there, people of the Internet,
This very post states my start of being a blogger (for this blog). I am quite excited about this and I hope that anyone who reads my blog, enjoys it.
Well, for today, I'll write about my likes and dislikes about school.
First off, my likes.
The one thing I really like about school is anything that is actually worth learning, and anything that is interesting and taught well.
Another thing I like about school, is meeting up with your friends. Friends, in my opinion, are probably one of the few reasons for being on this Earth. If it weren't for friends at school, my day (and probably your day) wouldn't be very interesting without someone to talk to, or make jokes with.
One last thing I like about school is that there are some really good teachers that will help people and they actually teach you things.
I have many dislikes about school, but I will only name three of them.
The first thing I dislike about school is how early it starts. I am not an early riser and I'm not an early sleeper. In the morning, I'm always worried that I'm going to be late for school since it starts too early for me. I don't know about you, but for me, school starts at 8:45 a.m. and I hope to be in school at 8:30. It takes about 5-15 minutes for me to actually get to school and I wake up at around 8:00 a.m.
Another thing I dislike about school are the class clowns, especially the ones that aren't funny (I don't find many things funny anyways). Class clowns just take up so much of the time when you could be working. Since they take up time when you could be working, you then need to bring your work home, which leads to my final point.
Homework. The most tedious thing on the planet of Earth. I know that I don't have a lot of homework and people have it much worse than I do, but I still don't like homework. An excessive amount of homework increases stress and homework that requires a textbook could cause back problems when walking home from school.
Well, that's all for today, but I want you to post a comment about what you think about school. Do you like it, or hate it? What do you like or hate about school? I want to hear what you guys have to say.
Thanks for reading,
ALEX, you should certainly take out your last name on this blog, AND dismiss your age =]
ReplyDeleteOther than that, GOOD LUCK ^-^ I shall join blogspot now becauseee of you.
Pew! Pew-pew! HEADSHOT *Run*