Hello Internet,
So, today I went to attend my friend's birthday party. Well, since my friend and I had to go to different schools, we have a different group of friends. Well, my friend's friends were new to me.
So, I, as my nervous self around new people, kept quiet around them and tried to stay away from most of the talking, since I didn't know what type of jokes they like, the websites the like, the games they enjoy playing. I let the others do most of the talking while I simply did my thing.
I didn't say most of the jokes I would say around my friends since I knew what type of jokes they liked, and some of the jokes my friend's friends told, I didn't find funny whatsoever.
I felt awkward and isolated. It was like the feeling the day I started school. I didn't want to talk to anyone since I went to a different school than the rest of my friends.
Well, that's enough about me. What about you? What do you do when you are with a group of people that you don't know that much about? Post a comment and share your own thoughts.
Well, thanks for reading,
Hey Alex wanna be affies? I'll show ur ad on my site and u show mine and we link each other?